Thursday, May 9, 2013

In the beginning there was...

a ream of paper and an exhausted laserjet printer defining my next 22 week days.  Articles are printed, due dates are noted, and an attempt at organizing my workspace completes this evenings tasks. 

My pre-course definition of Web 2.0 is interactive Web pages, sites, & programs.  This semester, all 22 days of it - I hope to learn more about trends in technology and how libraries are successfully using available technology.



  1. Haha, I hear ya! Yesterday, I spent the evening giving my tablet's home screen a makeover, importing every due date into my Google calendar, adding a Twitter widget that shows every #MLIS7505 post, and making shortcuts for TweetCaster, Blogger, and BlazeView. Bring it, Maymester!

  2. OK, Michelle...I'm embarrased to admit that I do still keep a paper calendar on my desk. Old habits are hard to break!

    1. I have one on my desk at work, too. =) Sometimes you can't beat pen and paper!
