Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Assignment 3, Option 1 - Interview Transcript

MLIS 7505 – Assignment 3 Option #1     

Content Management System (CMS) Interview

Interviewed:  Mrs. Jeris Pflueger* (conducted via email)

Date:  Tuesday, May 21, 2013

1.       What type of library do you manage?

A public high school school library (9-12)  Gilmer High School*

2.       What was your decision making criteria for the CMS?

Predetermined by the Director of Technology (county level decision)

3.       What is the name of the CMS you are using?

Google Apps for Education (Gmail, Calendar, Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Sites, etc.)

4.       Have you used other Content Management Systems and if so, how does it rate in comparison to the current CMS?  Yes, I have used School Center which is more user-friendly than Google Sites.  The disadvantage of School Center was the cost.

5.       How many library personnel have rights to edit the site?

One, the school library media specialist.

6.       What is the goal for the CMS?  How do you foresee its use?

To be useful for all patrons (students, teachers, and parents); as a valuable resource for all whether it is used at school or at home (remote access).  Lessons are taught at school for students and teachers using this system to retrieve information.

7.       Did you receive training?  If so, how was the training delivered?

No, I did not receive training.  I used some online tutorials and figured out most of it on my own.

8.       Did you incorporate images? Sounds? Animation? Music? Text?

I incorporated images, animations and text.

9.       Does your CMS allow for a search feature?

No, it does not have a search feature.

10.   Does your CMS allow uploading of files (PDF, Word, etc.)?

It does allow for uploading of files.

11.   Does your CMS provide basic image editing tools (cropping, rotating, resizing, etc.)?

It does provide basic editing tools.

12.   Does your CMS allow for customization with the interface/homepage?

Yes, it does allow for limited customization with the homepage.

13.   Does your CMS allow an interactive feature (user feedback, blog, suggestions, contact information, collaboration, etc.)?  It does have a blog feature and contact information with the email link.

14.   Does your current CMS allow for versioning (being able to revert to a previous version or date)?

I am not aware of that feature in my current CMS.  The county technology department does have the ability to restore to previous saved dates.

15.   Are there features/functionality missing from your current CMS? 

The search feature.

16.   Who provides technical support for you and the CMS? 

Google has limited technical support for the Google Apps.  A first line of defense would be the county technology department.

17.   Please include any additional information about your experience with the CMS.

The big obstacle that I have encountered in my current CMS is in the editing features.  It is not very systematic and as user-friendly as other websites that I have used in the past.

 *Permission granted to use interviewee and library name.


I have had a similar experience with Google Apps for Education as a CMS  (my school is in the same system as the librarian interviewed).  The county changed vendors this year so we all are still learning about the features and how to utilize the collaborative components.  In theory, the library CMS should be an information hub and a communication tool supporting the library’s mission of promoting reading and serving patrons so that they can be effective users of information.  Thank goodness Google does provide a wealth of information on training and tips.  Now, it is a matter of applying the training to become more proficient with the content management system.

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